CATTIE’S CATCH UP: Kaitlyn Reveals Proof that Eve Had Aksana Take Her Out at Night of Champions (October, 22nd 2012)

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Hello Folks, Catherine here. Now as its Wednesday here in Britain, its time for another Flashback of the Past in the Form of Cattie’s Catch Up. So it isn’t THAT Old Like last weeks, but its a WWE Divas Moment i remember pretty well, Sorry TNA that i didn’t feature you this week, im not shading you okay?

Anyways On The Midst of Sneakily Capturing the Divas Title from Layla at Night of Champions 12′ despite not being officially booked to face her in the match, Eve continued to stir some trouble. Layla’s true opponent, the vastly popular Kaitlyn, with some help from Teddy Long, fished out the email that helped her expose Eve, and her plan to have Aksana attack her and render her useless at Night of Champions.

Eve would go on to deny it, but Kaitlyn pulled out her Screenshot of the Email on the Adviser to John Laurinaitis, Eves IPad and Eves Act of Innocence was soon derailed. The Two fierce rivals ended up fighting it out with Layla throwing herself into her best friends mess, after all Layla still had some beef with Eve for winning her divas title from her. Due to Eve’s conniving trickery, she was forced to defend the coveted title against both Layla and Kaitlyn at Hell In A Cell the same week.

– Catherine

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