IMPACT WRESTLING BOUND FOR GLORY PREDICTIONS: Digital Media Championship Six Way Match, The IInspiration vs Decay for the IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Tag Team Championships and Mickie James vs Deonna Purrazzo for the IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Championship (October, 23rd 2021)

Happy Saturday all. After a lengthy day of work, reports are to be done, but predictions as well as IMPACTs biggest event of the year takes place tonight, Bound for Glory. The Knockouts are to be shown on three separate occasions on this years matchcard, as last years defending champion Deonna Purrazzo defends the Knockouts Championship against returning veteran Mickie James, Rosemary and Jessicka Havok defend the Knockouts Tag Team Championships against the debuting Jessie McKay and Cassie Lee and Chelsea Green, Madison Rayne and Jordynne Grace represent the Knockouts in the Six Way match for the Digital Media Championship. With all that said, im going to narrow down as to who i think wins these three particular matches below, so…

..Beginning with the intergender six way match for the newly introduced IMPACT Digital Media Championship. As said before, the title feels like filler to me and something just for the lesser used and storyline-less to do, BUT for some characters it would be perfect for. Sadly, Tenille Dashwood missing out on Bound for Glory means she misses the chance to hold a title fitting for her character, which COULD go to Madison Rayne, who will represent instead. Considering some of Matt Cardona’s career centered around an internet based championship, and considering Chelsea has a mass following, the title could be perfect for her, and it could end up switching into the hands of Tenille later. While i wouldnt be surprised if John Skyler won just for the sake of giving the new arrival something to do, im going to go with Chelsea winning this one.

Next to discuss is the defense of the Knockouts Tag Team Championships. Rosemary and Jessicka Havok have only held the titles since winning them at Slammiversary, taking over the division in the wake of Kiera Hogans departure. The team are indeed a force, but Cassie and Jessie are being treated like stars and this match feels like a way to make up for how WWE booked them in the last half of their WWE runs, while showcasing them to a better standard as a team and as champions. So i feel its wholly inevitable that Cassie and Jessie leave the night as champions. Cassie and Jessie win.

And lastly is the Knockouts Championship match which, to be honest, can be hard to call. Mickie has been known to put over many over the years but the feud has gotten so personal that it feels like Mickie has to win, heck even Scott D’Amore was pulling for her to end one of the biggest reigns in the company so far. But waiting in the wings is Mercedes Martinez who is either going to do another Mickie like route by coming in and being beaten while elevating her opponent, or shes going to have the usual route of coming in rebooted, making an impact and even being the tall and ruthless as well as imposing veteran that closes out Deonna’s reign. Mickie winning also opens the chance to bring the title to NWA and give the title more exposure, but Deonna has done her invasion of NWA already which means someone else would have to step up there if Mickie was to be champion. Personally i want Deonna to retain and battle Mercedes, but if Mercedes loses just like when she put over Io and Toni, then im not sure who closes out the Virtuosa’s historic reign. While i do feel Mickie COULD win and it does feel like a HAVE TO scenario, im going with Deonna retaining.

IMPACT Wrestling Bound for Glory comes to you LIVE tonight at 1am UK Time on FITE TV. Other Matches include Violent By Design vs Heath Miller and a Mystery Partner and Josh Alexander vs Christian Cage for the IMPACT Wrestling World Heavyweight Championship.

– Catherine

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