WWE NXT LVL UP RESULTS: Rebranded Inlay is Not Safe from the Wrath of the Diamond Mine (March, 25th 2022)

Welcome all to this weeks NXT LVL Up as the NXT Side Show (and Post Smackdown show) delivers its latest womens match. The former Xtina Kay turned Kayla Inlay was recently confirmed as a signing to the NXT brand, and has since been rebranded as Kiana James. In her first match since said rebranding, and likely back to solo endeavors, Kiana battles the still undefeated Ivy Nile of the Diamond Mine.

Out first for the match is Ivy, the sole female member of the Diamond Mine, and with Malcolm Bivens, the main mouthpiece of the group, accompanying her to the ring. Out after is Kiana, no Fallon Henley at her side this time as Fallon seems to have taken her place alongside Brooks Jensen and Josh Briggs, with Kiana quietly back to solo ventures. Blair Baldwin serves as the referee for the singles bout.

Ivy and Kiana lock up to start things off, with Ivy managing to tilt Kiana across the ring. Kiana shakes it off as she quickly kips up, then with both back upright, Kiana goes to lock up with Ivy but Ivy evades to instead capture her in a waistlock. Ivy tosses Kiana to the mat then begins to work on Kiana’s left arm. Kiana, using the ropes for some support, cartwheels and twists Ivy’s left arm as she tries to turn over momentum with her own targeting of the opposers left arm. Ivy scores a forearm to Kiana but Kiana stays maintaining grip, maintaining still after a second shot. Kiana switches up offense as she whips Ivy to the ropes, but Ivy uses this chance to suddenly come back and shoulder block Kiana to the mat. Kiana tries to hip toss Ivy for the comeback but Ivy blocks and clubs Kiana in the chest, the blow hard enough to send her to the mat. Ivy then hammers down shots on Kiana before forcing her back up and pummeling her with another forearm. After the second, she sends all of Kiana’s body to the ropes and tackles her from behind along the way.

Ivy rushes Kiana back to the ropes for a second time but this time Kiana blocks and back elbows Ivy’s jaw. Ivy responds back with a back kick then a snap suplex before whipping her to a corner and superman punching her against it. Ivy rolls herself out of the corner then proceeds with a running kick to Kiana, pulling her out of the corner and then attempting a pin attempt after all damage dealt, only to find Kiana kicking out of the attempt at two. Ivy gets a near fall.

Ivy applies a cravate to Kiana, bending herself down along with Kiana’s body along the way while maintaining grip of the hold. Kiana rises up but is taken back to the mat by Ivy, who then goes for an elbow drop only to miss it when Kiana rolls out of harms way. Kiana shoulder blocks Ivy then rolls up Ivy, but the sudden pin doesnt go her way, as Ivy fights out of it at two. Kiana clotheslines Ivy a couple of times and also proceeds to slam her onto the mat right before shoulder tackling her a number of times against a corner. Ivy charges back but ends up scooped by Kiana, who then connects with a sidewalk slam. Kiana tries to cover again and gets a near fall. Following that, Ivy blocks a possible suplex from Kiana, then counters into the dragon sleeper submission which causes Kiana to tap within seconds. Ivy wins the match.

(Kiana James vs Ivy Nile w/ Malcolm Bivens)

Thoughts On This Match:
A little showcase for Kiana, although Ivy dominated a majority of the bout. Im guessing the fact Kiana and Fallon seemingly have stop teaming, on top of no follow up on the Ivy and Tatum segments means they have quietly ended both associations, which doesnt surprise me because its WWE. Ivy is still continuously evolving, and is enjoyed by the crowd with every opponent she slays. But, when will she have her first proper storyline? Or big storyline for that matter? The dominance has to be going somewhere.

– Catherine

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