WWE NXT: In Your House Results: Toxic Remain the Attraction Despite the Fight from Choo, Carter and Katana (June, 4th 2022)

Welcome Everybody to this years NXT: In Your House report, as the In Your House Pay Per View returns for another year (just sadly without the Takeover Moniker). Saturdays NXT Pay Per View event brought with it two womens matches, both with stakes, two womens championships being on the line. For the first time on PPV since regaining the NXT Womens Tag Team Championships, Jacy Jayne and GiGi Dolin defend their recently regained belts against the long tenured team of Kayden Carter and Katana Chance. Mandy Rose, the head woman of Toxic Attraction, also looks to deal with a meddlesome foe, as she defends her NXT Womens Championship against Wendy Choo.

Before getting to either title defenses, Elektra Lopez appears in the opening match, accompanying Santos Escobar, Cruz Del Toro and Joaquin Wilde as they take on Tony D’Angelo and his stable comrades Channing Lorenzo and Troy Donovan, the result meaning the losing faction must join the victorious faction. Unfortunately for Legado Del Fantasma, a tough and high stakes night ends rough, as D’Angelo appears to take out Wilde with his own brass knuckles, with an already out Donovan collapsing on top of him for the pin. D’Angelo, Donovan and Lorenzo win the match, and therefore Legado must now work for D’Angelo.

Following shortly from that is a hype promo for Alba Fyre, the former Kay Lee Ray. Watching that closely are Brooklyn Barlow, Tatum Paxley, Sloane Jacobs, Erica Yan and Lash Legend backstage. Lash could’ve sworn Alba mentioned firekeeper, and mentions that the only thing worse than playing with fire is listening to a woman complain about her past. Tatum asks Lash if shes going to keep running her mouth or actually go and ask Alba for a match. Lash insists that if she got in the ring with Alba, she’d officially make her ancient history. As Tatum would know, Lash aint the one to be messed with, but Tatum bravely responds that if Lash wont request a match, Tatum will. Lash watches Tatum walk off and insists that the fellow newbie has issues while her fellow women look on in the background.

Then even more women as we go right to the NXT Womens Tag Team Championship Match. Kayden and Katana’s crowd engaging entrance comes first, as the challengers traditionally make their way down to the ring first, followed by the defending champions, GiGi Dolin and Jacy Jayne of Toxic Attraction, defending on Pay Per View for the first time since regaining the championships. While Mandy does pop up alongside the two from their car backstage, the NXT Womens Champion does not accompany her fellow accomplices to the ring. Once Alicia Taylor concludes introducing Katana and Kayden and Jacy and GiGi, the defended championships are raised and the bell is about to be rung, but not before an ambush to Katana and Kayden that backfires, leading to GiGi and Jacy being taken out at ringside. Once Kayden has chucked Jacy into the ring, the referee checks on both competitors then has the bell rung. The defense of the Womens Tag Team Championships is underway.

Towards the end of the match, Katana does a 450 splash onto GiGi, who is in the hands of Kayden. The legally tagged Kayden then proceeds to cover for the hopeful final pin but gets yanked to ringside by Jacy. Katana tries to make the save but Jacy wheelbarrows her on the outside and drops her against the apron. Kayden hits Jacy hard in the face for that, then proceeds to the ring, setting up GiGi on her shoulders. GiGi soon slips free and hooks a waistlock, but Kayden reverses into her own, hooked to GiGi. Kayden rolls up GiGi but GiGi kicks out and sends Kayden towards the ropes, right into a sneaky shot from the outside by Jacy. Kayden stumbles back into the arms of GiGi, who then connects with a fishermans suplex for the three count. GiGi and Jacy win the match, retaining the NXT Womens Tag Team Championships.

Later its onto the next title defense for another member of Toxic Attraction, as Mandy Rose defends her NXT Womens Championship against Wendy Choo after weeks of back and forth funny antics from Wendy to the reigning champion. Getting a special entrance to start off is Wendy, firstly in her bed and dreaming of all the carnage shes unleashed on Toxic Attraction, with her ending dream scenario of holding Mandys championship as the winner. Wendy wakes up from that, and with her fluffy pillow and slushie in hand, she makes her way to the ring. Then following is Mandy Rose, the defending champion, and GiGi and Jacy stay backstage for this one. Like the past defenses, Alicia Taylor is on hand to introduce both Wendy and Mandy before the match gets underway.

Late into the match, Wendy goes for offense on the ramp, but Mandy ends up catching Wendy along the way, planting her on the ramp with a spinebuster. Mandy poses around the ring out of belief Wendy is done, but Wendy clambers back in the ring after the count of nine to her shock. Mandy plants her with another spinebuster, this time within the ring, but finds her kicking out of the follow up pin at two. Mandy goes for a running knee but Wendy blocks with her pillow, sending Mandy into a rage that causes Wendys pillow to be torn to bits. Wendy unleashes her offense at Mandy for that, then zips down some of her onesie to reveal a defaced Toxic Attraction shirt. Wendy tries to lock a submission after, but diverts to a pin attempt when it doesnt work. Mandy survives that then ends up in Wendys submission, nearly passing out but just managing to roll about and to the ropes, placing her feet there and forcing Wendy to break apart from her. Wendy takes over with offense again then rises to the top rope, only to be hurled off by Mandy, who then waits for Wendy to rise to her feet then connects with her bicycle knee to take out Wendy and pin her. Mandy wins the match, retaining the NXT Womens Championship.

Post Match, Toxic Attraction bask in their spotlight, as Jacy and GiGi, complete with their retained titles, join Mandy in the ring, who holds the NXT Womens Championship that she has retained high. The group stand tall and victorious over the defeated Wendy Choo.

Then lastly, McKenzie Mitchell is backstage with the finalists in the Womens Breakout Tournament, Roxanne Perez and Tiffany Stratton, the two due to go one on one next week in the finals of the tournament. McKenzie brings up how its now all eyes on Tuesday, wondering who will win, gesturing to both Tiffany and Roxanne on separate occasions. Tiffany finds McKenzie rude and suggests that if shes going to get on the good side of the woman who is going to win the tournament, shes failing. Roxanne questions Tiffany on if she already thinks she has the tournament won, but of course Tiffany does think that, and if theres a trophy, her name would already be on it. Tiffany says thats simply because its the womans breakout tournament, not the little girls breakout tournament. She makes a snide joke on Roxanne likely having a bus to catch, and Roxanne replies that she can make all the insults she wants, but Roxanne views next week as the biggest match of her life. Opportunities might come naturally to Tiffany, but shes had to work for every single one, and shes not walking out without the contract. McKenzie tries to close out by hyping the upcoming match once again, but Tiffany gets in her face, calling her the worst person of all time. Roxanne, of course, isnt surprised by Tiffany’s rudeness towards McKenzie.

(Legado Del Fantasma w/ Elektra Lopez vs Tony D’Angelo, Troy Donovan and Channing Lorenzo)

(Lash Legend, Tatum Paxley, Brooklyn Barlow, Erica Yan and Sloane Jacobs Backstage Segment)

(Katana Chance and Kayden Carter vs Jacy Jayne and GiGi Dolin; WWE NXT Womens Tag Team Championship Match)

(Wendy Choo vs Mandy Rose Promo)

(Wendy Choo vs Mandy Rose; WWE NXT Womens Championship Match)

(GiGi Dolin, Jacy Jayne and Mandy Rose Backstage Exclusive)

(Roxanne Perez and Tiffany Stratton Backstage Segment)

Thoughts On:
NXT Womens Tag Team Championship Match: Some of Katana’s spots were off range, but other than that, a fantastic showing especially for the contenders, who, as many already know, are talented. This would’ve been a perfect crowning moment for Kayden and Katana, but at the same time Katana and Kayden vs GiGi and Jacy hasnt had as much build as Mandys feud, which gives it the fuel needed to continue. However, i wouldnt be surprised if Katana and Kayden have had their swan song and go up to try and save the main rosters womens tag division, assuming Vince even wants a tag division around anymore..the same man who doesnt see people as besties needing to be a team.

NXT Womens Championship Match: This match got going for me once the spinebuster happened on the outside. Wendys resilience was on show by making it into the ring last minute, and Mandy and Wendys character work from there was perfect for me. Mandy got her offense blocked by something as meager and minor as a pillow, so she tore the pillow, which is a key part of the Wendy Choo character. That brought out the more serious fighter in Wendy, and Wendy using a submission to try put Mandy to sleep is also fitting for her character. As random a finisher as a bicycle kick can be to some, it made sense here as thats what Wendy blocked with the pillow in the first place, so it was fitting ending. It seems now that either the feud will continue and Mandy will retain, or Mandy will drop to Wendy, with Tiffany winning the breakout tournament and cashing in on Wendy. Alternatively Mandy could enter a feud with Roxanne, who could also win the tournament, and drop to her, or drop to the refreshed Alba Fyre, assuming Alba doesnt form a random team with Tatum Paxley or reunite with Io Shirai (if shes recovered) to go after Toxic Attraction, also assuming that when Io is recovered, she doesnt reunite with Zoey Stark who is also rehabbing. Mandy could also hold the gold until Nikkita recovers. Either way, Theres all sorts of scenarios both title pictures can go in from here.

– Catherine

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