WWE NXT LVL UP RESULTS: James Warms Up Against Barlow Ahead of Showdown with Hartwell (June, 24th 2022)

Hello everyone, and welcome to the latest Post Smackdown NXT LVL Up report. Its down to one womens match for this weeks hourly in ring extravaganza, and a chance at early momentum for one NXT superstar, as Kiana James, soon set for a match with Indi Hartwell, gets to establish some pre match dominance, as she takes on another talent showcased at times on LVL Up, Brooklyn Barlow.

Making her way to the ring first is Kiana James for her latest match under the Statistician Gimmick. This is Kiana’s latest match and her last ahead of squaring off against Indi Hartwell, who proposed the challenge to Kiana just days before on NXT. Out after her is her challenger, Brooklyn Barlow, competing in what is her third match on WWE Television. Her presence barely impresses Kiana, as within moments of glancing at Brooklyn, Kiana shakes her head.

Kiana and Brooklyn lock up to start, with Kiana trying to have the early advantage as she gets to work on Brooklyns left arm. She breaks soon enough to switch to a test of strength, but Brooklyn pushes through, kicks one of Kiana’s hands away and mimics Kiana’s past strategy as she now targets the left arm. Brooklyn switches to arm dragging Kiana, taking her down to the mat and applying a headscissor afterward. Kiana kicks out but has her left arm grasped by Brooklyn again. Kiana counters with a hold that Brooklyn comes close to transitioning out of only for Kiana to snapmare her onto the mat. Kiana works on the left arm again and later draws Brooklyn into a headlock before she can fight out. Brooklyn pushes Kiana over to the ropes but Kiana advances back to her and takes her down via a shoulder block. Kiana runs the ropes and nearly falls victim to a drop toe hold, but she blocks it by staying upright and tries to take Brooklyn down using her hair but Brooklyn trips her onto the mat instead. Brooklyn grasps Kiana in a grounded hammerlock, Kiana trying to turn over only for Brooklyn to end up on top of her instead for a pin attempt, one Kiana fights out of at two.

Brooklyn goes back to the targeting of the left arm, eventually ending up being a hammerlock before Kiana pushes Brooklyn over to the ropes and resorts to some illegal hair pulling. Kiana connects with a knee into the midsection of Brooklyn, adding a hard strike to her back. Kiana knees Brooklyn a few more times, but this time in the center of the ring then connects also with a slam to Brooklyn. Kiana talks some smack then tries taking Brooklyn off the mat but Brooklyn bursts back to life as she performs a sudden roll up which Kiana again fights out of at two.

Kiana stomps Brooklyn down onto the mat and adds in more stomps, this time just above the midsection. Kiana covers after the short amount of offense but Brooklyn is the one kicking out this time, and at the count of two. Kiana applies a stretch hold for sometime to try wear down Brooklyn, later deciding to switch to a roll up that Brooklyn again breaks from at two. Kiana looks to connect after with an elbow drop but misses her target and while Kiana does get back up first, Brooklyn starts to fire back with shots to Kiana just as Kiana comes to set something up on her. Brooklyn separates from Kiana via an uppercut, then connects with a shoulder block to Kiana that takes her down. Brooklyn mounts a comeback with an added clothesline and dropkick, also a back elbow to Kiana against a corner before Kiana comes back aggressively, sending Brooklyn into the corner by her hair. Kiana attacks Brooklyn against the corner then leads her to the center, driving her knee into Brooklyns midsection to finish off and pin her blonde foe. Kiana wins the match.

(Brooklyn Barlow vs Kiana James)

Thoughts On This Match:
A show of aggression from Kiana, and an inevitable outcome considering Kiana has something to actually build to. Not a bad outing for Brooklyn either, who is still developing with every match that comes like all the newer talents.

– Catherine

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