WWE NXT RESULTS: Lyons Prowls Back into the Chase While Hartwell Suffers Setback Unlike her Besties (June, 28th 2022)

Welcome everybody to the latest WWE NXT report, what serves as the last before next weeks Great American Bash special. To decide who may challenge Jacy Jayne and GiGi Dolin at the event next week, Cora Jade and Roxanne Perez are pitted against Kayden Carter and Katana Chance in a number one contenders match. Plus, coming out of last weeks confrontation, the now solo Indi Hartwell battles the calculating Kiana James and the NXT Womens Champ Mandy Rose herself has her hands full as she gets a returning Nikkita Lyons.

Starting off this weeks episode is the tag team number one contenders match between Cora Jade and Roxanne Perez and fellow hopeful contenders, and former contenders to the womens tag team titles, Kayden Carter and Katana Chance. In the final moments, Kayden grabs Roxanne, staying put as Katana rises on the top rope, ready to hit the 450 splash to Roxanne. However, Cora pulls Kayden and Roxanne ends up out of the way of Katana’s move as a result. Katana shakes it off, advancing to the corner but Roxanne elevates herself above Katana and delivers Code Red for the three count. Roxanne and Cora win the match, becoming the number one contenders to the NXT Womens Tag Team Championships, and will face Jacy and GiGi next week for those championships.

Not long after that, Joe Gacy approaches NXT Tag Team Champions the Creed Brothers and Ivy Nile backstage, his hooded druids flanking either side of him. He senses the tension among the Diamond Mine, and informs the three group members that if Roderick isnt going to appreciate them, then he would welcome them into his family with open arms, just as he had with the Dyad. Julius isnt sure how Gacy and company got to find their dojo, but hes sure he speaks for many others when he says he isnt sippin’ Gacys Kool Aid. He admits the Diamond Mine do argue amongst themselves at times, but the Diamond Mine is forever. Roderick walks in with Damon Kemp, recognising the Creed Brothers defending the Diamond Mine and calling Gacy an idiot. Diamond Mine are a family, and he has no issue with showing how strong their bond is. Brutus tells Gacy and his crew that they welcome facing them whenever and wherever. Gacy, however, senses the hostilities, but not within his group, but within Diamond Mine. If they want to prove how much a family they are, then lets see it tonight. The Creeds agree and embrace their fellow group members before heading off with Ivy.

Backstage later with NXT Womens Champion Mandy Rose and NXT Womens Tag Team Champions Jacy Jayne and GiGi Dolin is McKenzie Mitchell. McKenzie mentions that it looks like the new contenders to the tag team championships are Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade, but Jacy reitterates that they already know because they watched the match. Jacy adds that they were actually unimpressed, and if Roxanne and Cora bring on the same performance next week, the Great American Bash is going to be even easier than they thought. GiGi chimes in that it doesnt matter that Roxanne and Cora are best friends, because she and Jacy have beaten best friends, enemies and frenemies. Next week will be no different. Mandy suggests that Roxanne should’ve used her title match contract on a tag title shot in the first place, but if she even thinks on saving the contract for a shot against her, oh no.

Before Mandy can shade Roxanne some more, in walks a returning Nikkita Lyons. She tells Mandy and her stablemates that Roxanne may not have won the contract had Nikkita not withdrawn from the tournament. They might never know, but what she does know is that tonight she is back in the ring. Her eyes are on Mandy Rose. Mandy just laughs, because she knows eyes are always on her. It sounds like Nikkita wants to roar, but she will find out tonight, because when she steps into the ring with her, she will see that Mandy is the queen of this jungle. With that said, Mandy and her comrades depart.

Then out comes Fallon Henley with her now title clad boys Brooks Jensen and Josh Briggs, as only days ago they won the vacated NXT UK Tag Team Championships. The new champs put over being the new champs and end up interrupted by former NXT UK and former NXT Tag Team Champions, Kit Wilson and Elton Prince of Pretty Deadly. After some back and forth verbal jabs, Brooks delivers a cheapshot that leads to a scrap between the two sides, ending in Brooks and Briggs standing tall alongside Fallon.

Then, Katana Chance and Kayden Carter walk in on Brooklyn Barlow, Sloane Jacobs, Tatum Paxley and other members of the NXT Womens Locker Room. Kayden kicks off, sick at the constant losses, and Katana is as mad, because she knows they are better than Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade, and they are better also than Toxic Attraction. Kayden wonders what Tatum is looking at, and Tatum insists she isnt looking at anything, but giving them space. Kayden tells Tatum to Mind her Own Space, and Tatum scoffs and rises from her perch, warning Kayden not to come at her because they are p***ed that they lost a match. Katana and Kayden watch Tatum leave then Katana says Whatever. The Division will see how much better they are than the rest of them soon.

Then its over to the ring for the second womens match, which sees Kiana James up against Indi Hartwell after Kiana confronted the lone Aussie last week. Towards the end of the short match, Indi forearms Kiana from behind the ropes then springboards over and goes for her elbow drop, but Kiana is not in sight and Indi crashes down onto the mat instead. Kiana sweeps Indi to the mat afterward via a double leg takedown then proceeds to cover Indi, with both feet unnoticeably snuck on the ropes for the surprise three count. Kiana wins the match.

Following a little later is the six man tag between the Creeds and Roderick and Joe Gacy and his Hoodlums of the Dyad. Ivy Nile is also present in the corner of the Diamond Mine, as is Damon Kemp. However, after some miscues from Roderick, the suggested leader of the Diamond Mine ends up taken out via the Dyads finisher and pinned. Gacy and the Dyad win the match, celebrating as a disappointed Brutus and Julius shout down at their fallen leader.

Meanwhile NXTs medical staff are about to give an update in the backstage area in regards to Alba Fyres condition after being wounded by her own baseball bat, but courtesy of Lash Legend. Speaking of Lash, she boots the medical staff out of the way, interrupts and says shes got it from here. A braggy Lash Legend insists after the attack by your girl (Lash) Alba has been put on the shelf, permanently. Because of that, Alba has found out that Lash doesnt just talk the talk, but walks the walk as well and makes everyones mouth drop. She warns the rest of the NXT Womens Division to stay out of her way.

Meanwhile, its back to the Diamond Mine backstage and Ivy and Damon can only look on tensely backstage as Roderick argues with Brutus and Julius. Roderick accuses Julius of excuses and says he has no choice but to teach them a lesson next week when the Creeds face him and Damon, and they will learn when he and Damon walk out on the night with their NXT Tag Team Championships.

Also, Wendy Choo wakes up not just from a recent nap, but from reminiscing Tiffany Strattons recent words about her. As she proceeds to brush her teeth, Wendy recalls Tiffany saying how she looks stupid, and if Tiffany thinks she looks stupid, even though Wendy knows shes not stupid, that makes Tiffany look stupid. Turning to deliver a message to Tiffany, she tells her that she gets under her skin and that gets her the pin. And that is how she wins. She will see her at the Bash next week, because they will go one on one there.

Then prior to the main event segment, Nikkita Lyons makes her in ring return, facing Mandy Rose in a non title match, Nikkita out alone while Mandy expectedly has the company of Jacy and GiGi. Towards the end of the match, Nikkita flattens Mandy with a kick but before she can issue anymore offense, Jacy sneaks into the ring right after GiGi distracts Nikkita with her presence and chop blocks Nikkita from behind. As a result, Nikkita wins the match via Disqualification.

Post Match, Jacy and GiGi attack Nikkita two on one, also holding Nikkita and leaving her unable to defend herself from a nasty slap by Mandy Rose. In enter Cora and Roxanne to cheers, causing Mandy to turn. Mandy swings at both but misses and is superkicked out of the ring by the two, and as Nikkita is about to stomp down on a laid out Mandy Rose, GiGi and Jacy drag her out of the ring and out of harms way. GiGi, Jacy and Mandy make their escape as Nikkita stands tall alongside Cora and Roxanne.

(Kayden Carter and Katana Chance vs Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade; Tag Team Number One Contenders Match feat Jacy Jayne, GiGi Dolin and Mandy Rose)

(GiGi Dolin, Jacy Jayne and Mandy Rose Backstage Segment; Nikkita Lyons Returns)

(Fallon Henley, Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen, Kit Wilson and Elton Prince Segment)

(Brooklyn Barlow, Arianna Grace, Sloane Jacobs, Tatum Paxley, Kayden Carter and Katana Chance Backstage Segment)

(Kiana James vs Indi Hartwell)

(Kiana James Backstage Exclusive)

(The Creed Brothers and Roderick Strong w/ Damon Kemp and Ivy Nile vs Joe Gacy and the Dyad)

(Lash Legend Backstage Segment)

(Ivy Nile, Damon Kemp, the Creed Brothers and Roderick Strong Backstage Segment)

(Wendy Choo Segment)

(Mandy Rose w/ GiGi Dolin and Jacy Jayne vs Nikkita Lyons feat Cora Jade and Roxanne Perez)

(Roxanne Perez, Cora Jade and Nikkita Lyons Backstage Exclusive)

Thoughts On:
Number One Contenders Match: This was a great match and im so glad both sides got plenty time. This could have gone either way, heck i wouldve taken Toxic Attraction crashing it to book a triple threat next week, but the result seemed inevitable the moment it was booked. I am gutted for Kayden and Katana, and im even more gutted at the thought of either going heel. Kayden suits it, but i cant imagine Katana as one. Plus their current gimmick would have to go if they are turning. It seems like they are definitely going that route and will probably blame others and make excuses as part of a frustration angle, taking it out on the division with Ivy and Tatum potentially being their first feud unless they attack Cora and Roxanne next week regardless of outcome. To be honest, i can see next week being the return of Io and Zoey considering recent rumors, pushing Kayden and Katana way down the line. Kayden and Katana are overdue a move to the main roster, but considering the tag titles seem non existent since being vacated, it might be risky at this rate too.

Kiana vs Indi: I was surprised at how this went down to be honest. I thought for sure it’d be Indi’s chance to further gain some momentum coming off teaming with Roxanne and Cora and finding herself again, but she was outwitted by simple and foreseeable heel tactics that lead to Kiana getting the surprising upset win. This feels like a way of extending an in-the-meantime angle for Indi and that it’ll benefit her in the end more than it’ll benefit Kiana as i just dont see Creative pushing Kiana that far right now.

Nikkita vs Mandy: I was surprised they did this outside of a Pay Per View, because with the way Nikkita’s been used, its been feeling like shes going to be one of the next big faces in the division, and a likely name thrown in the hat amongst a short few to potentially dethrone Mandy. I do think Nikkita’s offense was a little repetitive here, and maybe she was playing it safe after her injury, so if these two are to clash again, surely Nikkita will show something new. The finish was well done to protect both women, and to bring two of the main feuds in the womens division together. However, it looks like Mandy isnt defending her title next week at the Bash unless theres a last minute angle, so Nikkita might face her at the next NXT Pay Per View, also depending on where on the card Roxanne is, whether shes tag team champion, or she has a shortcoming that leads to her re-pursuing Mandy. I would’ve thrown Indi in there as a possibility too but shes currently stuck in her Kiana James situation that has thrown her off a bit momentum wise.

– Catherine

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