WWE NXT LVL UP RESULTS: Jacobs is Back for Post St Pierre Showdown (July, 1st 2022)

Welcome to the Pre Money in the Bank NXT LVL Up report, as two rising talents from NXT go to battle in the Post Smackdown showcase. Both Sloane Jacobs and Amari Miller are back in the ring, opposing each other on this weeks episode for the one womens match of the show.

Out to the ring first for the match is the bubbly, but also talented Amari Miller, out for her first match in quite a few weeks. Sloane Jacobs follows with her entrance, looking to add a little momentum and build a streak following her win over Sierra St Pierre.

Once the bell rings, Amari hears out the supportive crowd, then locks up with Sloane. Amari tries to transition into a front facelock then a hammerlock, but Sloane counters by drawing her into a side headlock. Amari gets Sloane over to the ropes and manages to make her break off. Sloane pushes Amari away and the two regroup before locking back up with one another. Sloane gets Amari to the ropes this time and proceeds with a single leg takedown, then jackknifes into an early pin attempt that Amari bursts out of before theres a count. Amari sweeps Sloane to the mat soon after, then her own pin attempt follows, ending the same way as the one prior to it. Sloane mimics Amari’s last strategy by sweeping her opposition onto the mat, followed by a pin attempt but Amari acts swiftly and escapes it before theres a count again. Amari snapmares Sloane to the mat before the next pin attempt, another that Sloane escapes. Amari jumps over offense only to be rolled up by Sloane, but once again Amari escapes and a staredown ensues between the competitive two.

Amari looks to take down Sloane, but Sloane blocks and goes on to target Amari’s arm. Sloane stays locked to Amari as she takes her onto the mat after blocking her possible slam attempt, and a new pin attempt follows, but Amari kicks out at one. Sloane trips Amari and appears to try a single leg crab, but is tripped to the mat by Amari, who then grasps Sloane and sends her down. Amari runs the ropes and Sloane is up, staying up after the connection of Amari’s shoulder block. After some sequences, Sloane and Amari collide with a crossbody in stereo, with Sloane trying to pin Amari after, who just fights out of it before two. Sloane then hurls Amari across the ring for a near fall.

Amari rises out of a chinlock and slings Sloane into one of the nearby ropes to break off from her. Sloane shakes it off and re-enters the ring to boot the unsuspecting Amari, covering her after the sneaky boot to get another near fall over her. Sloane goes back to focusing on Amari’s left arm but Amari floats over her body, breaks off and starts a comeback with back elbows, clotheslines and a roundhouse and superkick combo against the corner. Amari returns to the corner to connect with a boot to Sloane, then trying to roll Sloane over only for Sloane to counter, coming fairly close to pinning Amari, as she breaks off at two. Amari finalises, driving Sloane into her knee for the three count. Amari wins the match.

(Sloane Jacobs vs Amari Miller)

Thoughts On This Match:
It felt like one of those matches that was competitively friendly to start off and got tense later on. Some offense felt off but there was also some fun technical work and transitions.

– Catherine

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