WWE NXT LVL UP RESULTS: Chase U’s Own Looks to School Barlow in Latest Singles Match (July, 22nd 2022)

Welcome to this weeks NXT LVL Up report, as Womens action takes place right after the events of the blue brand. Its a good time for Chase University Fans, as their female representative and inductee, Thea Hail, is in action, as Thea goes up against another fellow rising star and competitor in the form of Brooklyn Barlow.

Thea makes her way to the ring, chants for her name ringing out by the happy fans as she excitedly heads to the ring alongside Bohdi Hayward and Andre Chase. Following is the entrance of the competition, Brooklyn Barlow, who gets a smile from the still excited Thea as her entrance nears completion.

Once the bell rings, Brooklyn and Thea tease locking up, but instead Thea ducks Brooklyn and captures her in a side headlock instead. Brooklyn uses her leg to separate from the hold, then counters with her own wristlock. Thea rolls, flips and twists through before separating from Brooklyn, then creating more separation as she takes down Brooklyn with a sudden standing dropkick. Thea applies her own wristlock after but Brooklyn twists through and fires her own dropkick at Thea after breaking off from her. Brooklyn targets the left arm before they both engage in a test of strength, but moments in Brooklyn sits out and gets Thea down, but Thea uses the chance to roll over, taking Brooklyn with her and proceeding with a roll up that turns into a number of roll throughs with barely any counts. Thea glides into a jackknife to officially cover, the count reaching two before Brooklyn rises off the mat, locked to Thea who she backslides for a one count.

Thea sneaks out of a headlock attempt, but then shes snapmared to the mat by Brooklyn. Brooklyn runs the ropes and shoulder blocks Thea onto the mat, running the ropes again and later meeting Thea, who teases hip tossing her but Brooklyn blocks and teases arm dragging Thea, but Thea rolls through and wheelbarrows into a headlock takedown. Thea keeps the headlock applied, but Brooklyn still manages to push through and get herself off the mat, even with it intact. Thea floats off some nearby ropes and maintains the side headlock after a fresh takedown, but not for long as Brooklyn gets free, floats over her and applies a headlock of her own. Brooklyn avoids Thea’s potential headscissor counters and goes back to the side headlock application, but as both get up, Thea uses her leg to bring Brooklyn’s left one down, then floating over into another headlock application of her own. Brooklyn shoves Thea to the ropes and Thea comes back to collide with Brooklyn, but she stays upright. Brooklyn mouths something to the surprised Thea, who runs the ropes again but gets caught by Brooklyn, who connects with a backbreaker. Brooklyn sends Thea to the mat by the back of her head to follow, proceeding with a pin attempt that leads to a near fall as Thea fights out at two.

Brooklyn applies pressure to the left arm of Thea, taking her down and stalling her attempt to get up and potentially fight back. Thea takes a while to fight out of a fresh hold from Brooklyn and resorts to having to get her onto her shoulders and lifting her instead. Thea turns this into an air raid crash setup that ends up being a TKO, then once both women get up, Thea ducks a clothesline attempted by Brooklyn, taking her down instead with axe handles and a flip cutter as well as a standing moonsault. Brooklyn gets up and tries to counter a charging Thea along the way, but Thea capitalises and counters with a DDT for the three count. Thea wins the match.

(Thea Hail w/ Bohdi Hayward and Andre Chase vs Brooklyn Barlow)

Thoughts On This Match:
This was a fun encounter, helped more by the energetic Pro Chase University crowd. Thea and Brooklyn had some fun transitions and counters that lead to expanded offense. This also, to me, felt like Brooklyns best in ring outing by far since her debut, which might’ve been due to having an opponent who meshed well with her. Good Work by both ladies.

– Catherine

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