WWE NXT LVL UP RESULTS: Yan is Back on the Scene to Win Against a Beauty Queen (September 2nd 2022)

Welcome to this weeks NXT LVL Up report, one that features an in ring return for one performer from the NXT brand. Erica Yan is back after not being seen in an NXT ring for a few months, and is up against a woman whose momentum has been on and off as of late, though featured regularly regardless, Arianna Grace.

Out to the ring first comes Arianna for her latest match, followed by Erica who was last seen in a WWE ring back in May, teaming with Sarray. Erica, who has yet to snag a win since debuting in a WWE ring, locks up with Arianna to start, the two ending up near to a corner before Erica ends up on the end of an arm drag. Arianna showboats over taking over early, but has her regal wave mocked and mimicked by Erica, which she doesnt take kindly to. Erica mocks Arianna some more then ducks under attempted offense, twirls and snapmares Arianna down to the mat. Erica cartwheels over to face Arianna’s front, taunting her some more. Arianna gets to her feet and goes for offense, but crashes flat on the mat instead. Erica slides over and gets Arianna in a side headlock, then going for a fresh snapmare but Arianna blocks and knees Erica to retaliate. Arianna attacks with a couple of stomps as well as a seated senton, then pressing Erica down for a pin attempt but Erica is up at one.

Arianna brings Erica back to the mat and goes back to the stomps. Arianna elbow drops onto Erica after running the ropes, another pin attempt following by Arianna which ends with her getting a near fall this time around. Arianna tries to twist into a possible boston crab, but Erica rolls up Arianna surprisingly, but no count comes out of it in the end. Both get up and Arianna nails a kick to Erica, then whips her to the ropes, then roping her into another knee. Arianna does the same when she sends Erica to the opposite rope as well, kneeing her in her midsection. She goes to do it once more but Erica rolls and takes Arianna with her, leading to Erica getting a near fall.

Arianna knees Erica once again then prizes her in a stretch hold, taking her to the mat later just as she looks to get out of it. Arianna rams her knees into Erica’s side to add on the damage then goes to work on Erica’s left hip and arm. Arianna turns to solely focusing on the left arm, but Erica surprises with another roll up to counter, but Arianna kicks out swiftly at one. Arianna goes to forearm Erica shortly after but Erica ducks under her move, blasts her with her own axe handles then an atomic drop and a jumping knee. Arianna charges forward but Erica blocks her oncoming offense and downs her with a flatliner, but shes impacted briefly by the landing too. Erica soon gets back up though, charging to a corner after Arianna but Arianna lays out and appears to knee Erica along the way. Arianna scoops Erica onto both shoulders and drops her with a slam to finalise and pin her. Arianna wins the match.

(Erica Yan vs Arianna Grace)

Thoughts On This Match:
A good match and a chance to show some extensive offense from Erica, but not sure what was going on in the corner prior to the finish and whether that impacted the timing of the finish itself, whether it was meant to happen right after or later. Hopefully both are okay following it anyway but may have been some sort of miscue.

– Catherine

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