WWE NXT RESULTS: Team Niven Go On Post Worlds Collide Rebound and Perez Receives a Legendary Challenge (September 6th 2022)

Welcome all to the latest WWE NXT report, in what is the first since Sundays Worlds Collide event. Coming out of it, Piper Niven and Nikki ASH rank unsuccessful in their pursuit of NXTs Womens Tag Team Titles, as Katana Chance and Kayden Carter retained over the Scots, but only due to the peskiness of an appearing Jacy Jayne and GiGi Dolin. The recently defeated pair look for redemption, taking on Jacy and GiGi in tag team action this week. Plus, even despite her NXT UK Womens Championship loss, Meiko Satomura has stuck around, and furthermore, has accepted a one on one match with former NXT Womens Championship contender, Roxanne Perez.

Before any of that, the first womens appearance of the night comes from Lash Legend, appearing before her successful boys, Pretty Deadly, who are now the Unified NXT Tag Team Champions. As they celebrate becoming double champions, showing off both belts that they now hold despite them being unified, Lash walks in and high fives them, joining in the celebrations. She calls their win on Sunday incredible, but also warns them to pay no mind to social media. Kit and Elton are wondering as to whats being said, and initially Lash tries to avoid saying it but spill the beans. The word is that Damon Kemps turn is the reason they had won. Elton and Kit are unhappy about the fans nitpicking and amongst berating them for it, they give some of their title belts to Lash to hold.

Following right on from that, we have the first of two womens matches for the night, in what is the in ring returns of both Jacy Jayne and GiGi Dolin, both of which havent been able to compete since their Post Smackdown sidelining. With Mandy resting up from her history making match in which she beat both Blair Davenport and Meiko Satomura, GiGi and Jacy go at it without the leader of Toxic Attraction, their also heel opponents Nikki ASH and Piper Niven following with their entrance.

Towards the end of the match, GiGi tries to fend off Piper with a kick, going for a crossbody after only to be caught by the powerhouse. Piper sends GiGi all the way to the mat via a michinoku driver, then follows with her running crossbody in the center of the ring to the Toxic Attraction member. Piper pins GiGi to follow and scores the win for her team, even though bloodied for a second time in recent weeks. Piper and Nikki win the match.

Later is womens match number two, a respectful one on one bout between Meiko Satomura and Roxanne Perez. The match had been pre agreed to in an unaired segment from Worlds Collide, when Meiko and Roxanne met to discuss it, while Cora’s attempt to gain a one on one showdown with Meiko was declined. Out first is an excited and smiley Roxanne, followed by Meiko, showing up in a WWE ring for the first time in a while without a championship around her waist. Cora is also watching the bout from the back.

Towards the end of the first time one on one match, Meiko one ups Roxanne with a kick to the head, then awaits her opponent from the corner before charging forward, jumping up and downing Roxanne with the finishing scorpio rising to score the three count over the rising star. Meiko wins the match.

Post Match, Meiko gives her respects to Roxanne, and Roxanne returns the same back. As Meiko starts to make an exit, Cora Jade shows up, striking Roxanne from behind with her baton. Meiko wont let it go any further, returning to the ring and causing Cora to flee. Meiko gestures for her to come to the ring, but Cora just continues to mock and taunt the two as she continues her exit up the ramp.

Not long later theres a backstage moment featuring Kiana James and her assistant, Giovanna Eburneo. They are given a smiley face badge by Rip Fowler and Jagger Reid, and they accept, only to trash the Schism’s gift when they arent looking. Kiana then gives someone a verbal berating over the phone to the point where she hangs up, her attention then brought to Arianna James nearby. Kiana advances over to Arianna, who greets her kindly. Kiana calls Arianna the person shes been looking for. She has a problem with Zoey Stark and Nikkita Lyons, but Arianna isnt surprised, and clearly has been watching. Arianna confesses that she cannot stand either Zoey or Nikkita, and Kiana likes the sound of that. She has Giovanna book Arianna for a training session at 6pm, and even Arianna knows she can fit in time for that.

Theres also a very brief vignette for Sol Ruca, who has been previously seen working in a WWE ring on NXT LVL Up. As the former Calyx Hampton is shown bikini clad with a surfboard, it is said that the upcoming competitor is coming soon to NXT.

Also present is Ivy Nile, stood beside the Creed Brothers who comment on their title loss and the betrayal of Damon Kemp. In walk Pretty Deadly, stating they have been looking for the “Divs” and after the fans have been naysayers over their win, they have granted the fans a chance to choose their stipulation for their match against the Creeds next week, and then when the Creeds lose again, what will be their excuse. Julius steps up and says all the rage he has in side will be taken out on their b**** a**es.

(Kit Wilson, Elton Prince and Lash Legend Backstage Segment)

(GiGi Dolin and Jacy Jayne vs Nikki ASH and Piper Niven)

(Roxanne Perez vs Meiko Satomura feat Cora Jade)

(Roxanne Perez Backstage Exclusive)

(Rip Fowler, Jagger Reid, Kiana James, Giovanna Eburneo and Arianna Grace Backstage Segment)

(Sol Ruca Hype Promo #1)

(Ivy Nile, The Creed Brothers and Pretty Deadly Backstage Segment)

Thoughts On:
GiGi/Jacy vs Nikki/Piper: A solid match between both sides with a surprise but understandable outcome. GiGi and Jacy played into costing Nikki and Piper at Worlds Collide so snatching the win redeemed Nikki and Piper. They could easily let this crossover onto the main roster by re-trying to redebut GiGi and Jacy by having them attack Piper and Nikki, whether its while they’re in action, while they’re having a segment to discuss their future as a team (as there has been tensions) or something else. But, that also brings up my issue with the match this week. Piper and Nikki seemed to be having a losing streak translating onto both brands, and on Monday, Nikki chucked off her mask in the background, but yet had it on while they appeared on NXT. Could they not do a backstage segment where Nikki tells Piper she needs a new direction or to be her true self from now on to achieve victory for them? Or was the lack of continuity deliberate to hold off exploding tensions or making changes until later?

Roxanne vs Meiko: A great match as expected, and both sides were solid. Meiko winning seems to indicate some sort of rebuild, because if she was on her way out, you’d think she’d be putting over the younger talent. Maybe shes staying around and actually beating Mandy one on one? Who knows? Or shes having a short spell where she enhances the up and comers by working with them? What we do know is that Meiko and Cora definitely have a match incoming between them and i expect that to be a good one as well.

– Catherine

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