WWE NXT RESULTS: Fyre Renews Feud on 2.0 Anniversary, Team Nikkita Deal with Outspoken Enemies and Henley Has New Sights Set After Lash Showdown (September 13th 2022)

Hello all and welcome to a special WWE NXT report, that being because it is the one year anniversary of NXT’s transition into the more colorful, and more homegrown focused NXT 2.0. With that said, an anniversary cant go without celebrations, and Toxic Attraction are set to celebrate their ever going dominance over the NXT Womens Division, only to spark the flames of an old rival. Plus two in ring bouts are also set, as Nikkita Lyons and Zoey Stark deal with their mouthy rivals Arianna Grace and Kiana James, and after weeks of Lash Legend targeting and provoking her, Fallon Henley gets her one on one match with the charismatic star.

That match starts with Lash Legend already in the ring, no Pretty Deadly in sight as NXTs Undisputed Tag Team Champions had a grueling but successful steel cage match against the Creed Brothers earlier in the night, their titles also on the line. Fallon Henley gets her entrance, and as accompaniment she not only has Brooks Jensen and Josh Briggs, but Mason, the Connors Cure Thriver. At times, Lash has brutality on display, attacking Fallon on the outside repeatedly and delivering a knee to her in the ring, followed by a single torture rack and dropping her to the mat before Fallon makes a fiery comeback with forearms, back elbows and a wheelbarrow into a bulldog coming out dodging a pump kick from Lash. Fallon blasts Lash with her shining wizard to follow through, and after KO’ing Lash, she covers and pins the taller foe. Fallon wins the match.

Following that, Yulisa Leon is shown emerging from the trainers room. Valentina and Sanga await behind the doors and once Yulisa approaches her allies, she reveals her leg is torn. Valentina wonders how long Yulisa will be out of in ring competition, but Yulisa soon gives her her answer. She will be out for up to nine months. Valentina emotionally embraces her injured tag team partner then Sanga offers some comforting words. He is sorry that the injury happened to Yulisa, but they must turn a negative into a positive. He peps up Valentina, how it is her time now. Valentina is about to agree, but in walks Mr Stone with Von Wagner, calling the situation depressing. He knows they are upset but hes more upset about Vons shortcoming in the earlier vote. Sanga warns Stone to watch his mouth seeing as theres ladies present, and Von doesnt take kindly to his talk back. Sanga tells Von he wont tell him again and Von starts to advance over, but before there may be a fight, Stone tries to calm down Von and lead his client away.

Elsewhere, Brooks Jensen and Josh Briggs walk through another area backstage with the victorious Fallon Henley. They share compliments for Mason, then Brooks peps up Fallon over her win before being astonished by the presence of GiGi Dolin, Jacy Jayne and Mandy Rose, Toxic Attraction. GiGi and Jacy turn Mandys attention to Brooks, who tells her how amazing she looked in her instagram photo where she donned her two titles with no clothes evidently on. He tells her that her tit….titles looked amazing and Mandy is disgusted and tells him dream on. Brooks asks how she knew she was in his dreams, but Mandy could tell just by his actions. Fallon tells Mandy thats enough of her insults, getting told back that she does not talk back to the champion like that. Fallon gets fiery, telling Mandy that she doesnt talk to Brooks like that either. She doesnt care who she is or how long shes been the champion, she isnt scared of her. Mandy makes a verbal jab back and Fallon is about to go at her only to be lead away by Brooks and Jensen as the Toxic Attraction trio mock her.

From there its off to the ring, as NXT Womens Champion Mandy Rose is joined by Jacy and GiGi for her post vacation, and post triple threat win celebrations. Mandy opens by declaring that she is back from her vacation, feeling good and looking even better. At Worlds Collide, she called her shot, that she’d unify the NXT and NXT UK Womens Titles and thats exactly what she did. She took out two of the best women from NXT UK and when NXT Europe comes around, if she chooses to, she will run that show too. Jacy chimes in how its fitting that on the anniversary of the beginning of NXT 2.0, the biggest stars on the brand are still here, gesturing to themselves. They are the Biggest Super Group of all Super Groups. GiGi also adds that when someone thinks of NXT 2.0, they think of them and no vote is needed to decide that. Furthermore, she and Jacy elevated the NXT Womens Tag Team Titles to the point where they became the biggest tag titles in the industry. Jacy accuses the current champions, Katana Chance and Kayden Carter, of having the titles on a loan, and they are welcome for that. As for Tatum and Ivy, they can go off on social media all they want, but in the end they will prove to them what they have been saying the entire time, that theres Toxic Attraction….then everyone else. Mandy Rose furthers the bragging for the stable, stating that they said they are the baddest b****es in the room, and have proven that within 365 days. GiGi and Jacy are to be three time womens tag team champions and she herself is well on her way to becoming the longest reigning womens champion in NXT history. Bron and Melo are great champions but they havent held a title as long as she has. If theres one thing the fans should have learned to do in the past year, its to put some damn respect on her name.

Mandy, Jacy and GiGi are then interrupted by a familiar face, as out comes a former contender to Mandy’s title, Alba Fyre. Addressing Mandy, she informs the champion that while she has unified the titles, she knows nothing about where she comes from. In Scotland they dont brag on and on because they like the sound of their own voices, for they let their hard work do the talking. When Mandy looks into Alba’s eyes, she sees a battle tested warrior spawned by generations of firekeepers. Mandy sees her demise and the new NXT Womens Champion. She points her reddened baseball bat right at Mandy but uses it to fend off the attacking GiGi and Jacy. After clearing off both women, she superkicks Mandy and lays her out via the Gory Bomb, looking to finalise that attack afterward with a swanton only for GiGi and Jacy to peskily yank Mandy out of the ring before she can suffer any further. Mandy also manages to prize the title back into her hands before Alba can get her hands on it, but nonetheless Alba is left standing tall.

Then theres a promo elsewhere from the Heel Cora Jade. She reflects on how the past twelve months were about finding herself, about wanting to make an impact, about looking to impress people, getting people to like her and to think that she is the next biggest superstar. But she wasnt seen that way, and that got into her head, and to be honest that may have cost her her title matches. It all clicked in her match against Natalya. She lost but she got the respect of Natalya. But when she was in the locker room, she began to think that she should screw what others think, she IS a star. Then her best friend came through the door, and shes not going to waste her TV time acknowledging that, because everyone knows the story. Everyone ended up loving Roxanne, even though shes a loser, clapping to her and telling her how much of a good job she does. Now its all about her, shes living her best life and the fans, well, they have the thoughts of a second grader. She doesnt care what the locker room thinks, including people like Zoey Stark. Her Shoe has more personality than her. Nikkita, meanwhile, is too cocky and aint that good. Lash Legend is annoying. Indi Hartwell is lost. Alba is just weird. As for Toxic Attraction, she still doesnt like them, but now she understands them. Wendy makes her laugh because shes like a human stuffed animal, its pathetic and it even makes her feel somewhat bad for her. She doesnt belong in the ring but in the corner of a playground. In a years time, she cant wait to speak again when the Generation of Jade only gets bigger, her star will shine brighter and by this time next year, she will be the number one woman in the entire industry.

Speaking of one of the women verbally ripped into by Cora, McKenzie stands by backstage right after with Wendy Choo, asking Wendy for a response to the comments especially directed at her by Cora. Wendy accuses Cora of being jealous of Roxanne, and to add, she doesnt live in the Generation of Jade. She lives in an apartment, and maybe she’d live there rent free, but nah. Cora is living in her own world, and shes become so jealous of Roxanne that shes iced everyone out. After a slurping of her drink, she tells McKenzie, right after McKenzie agrees with her, that despite how she dresses, shes actually a smart person. Then in walks Lash Legend, and she doesnt like the talk being with Wendy, because they should be focusing on what happened in her match. Wendy tells Lash shes not going to interrupt her interview but Lash asks Wendy who she thinks shes talking to. She is Lash Legend, the One and Only. Wendy, however, has heard the catchphrase before, and reminds Lash that the last time someone came at her, they had their lights turned out. She mocks Lash’s Okayyyy then leaves.

Then the last hour gives to us the second womens match of the night, tag team action as Nikkita Lyons and Zoey Stark face Arianna Grace and Kiana James. Out first is Nikkita, then Zoey, then Arianna and Kiana, coming out together with their names on either side of their tron, seemingly affirming them as a possible team.

The couple minute tag team match sees Zoey come back against Arianna in the closing moments with her finishing GTS into the raised knee, now known as the Z-360. She then tags in Nikkita, who connects with a roundhouse then the split leg drop with the pin over Arianna proceeding it. Zoey and Nikkita win the match.

Theres also a second vignette for the upcoming Sol Ruca. Theres more shots of Sol taking herself to the beach, this time with additional displays of her known athleticism. She cartwheels further, then the vignette closes with it saying just the same as last week, Sol Ruca is coming soon.

And after the comments made over the night, Its made official. Cora Jade and Wendy Choo will go one on one in a singles match next week.

(Lash Legend vs Fallon Henley w/ Mason, Brooks Jensen and Josh Briggs)

(Yulisa Leon, Sanga, Valentina Feroz, Mr Stone and Von Wagner Backstage Segment)

(Fallon Henley, Brooks Jensen, Josh Briggs, GiGi Dolin, Mandy Rose and Jacy Jayne Backstage Segment)

(Mandy Rose, GiGi Dolin, Jacy Jayne and Alba Fyre Segment)

(Cora Jade Promo)

(Wendy Choo and Lash Legend Backstage Segment)

(Kiana James and Arianna Grace vs Nikkita Lyons and Zoey Stark)

(Sol Ruca Hype Promo #2)

Thoughts On:
Fallon vs Lash: The result was inevitable to be honest. Fallon had yet to one up Lash in the ring after all thats gone down in recent weeks, and she has an arsenal that can easily weaken a bigger and taller foe, such as her finisher when the bigger foe is somewhat down. It did its job in letting Fallon get the ending one upping on Lash, on showing if Lash can win without Pretty Deadly (though we know she can) and seemed to proceed both onto their next angles. Fallon potentially in the title picture i didnt see coming BUT having Alba vs Fallon vs Mandy as a possible triple threat at Halloween Havoc would not only contain a mixture of up and coming and established stars from the independents, but would give Alba someone to pin if she was to win the title from Mandy without pinning the champion herself. Will they put Fallon in the title picture though considering she hasnt had a long singles match on the NXT brand against a big star yet? I dont know. She could likely just be being fed to Mandy on route to Mandy vs Alba happening again, only this time Alba isnt KLR anymore.

Kiana/Arianna vs Nikkita/Zoey: So based on them getting an entrance together and their own tron, i guess Kiana and Arianna are a team, but im fine with it. New additions are needed, especially with Valentina likely having to go solo now that Yulisa is out for a long time sadly. Nikkita is quite protected and i dont think WWE want Zoey losing again so soon so the babyfaces winning was inevitable for me. Arianna and Kiana work well as a team though in ring wise and especially character wise. I just think they need the additional element of Giovanna the Assistant at ringside to be pesky to eventually lead up to her in ring debut either alongside them or against one of them should her assisting eventually backfire.

– Catherine

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