aj 420

So yesterday i teased a brainstorm RAW moment on twitter, and since we are a number of hours away from the upcoming Chicago RAW, heres what I’d like to see go down divas wise on the episode. Not Exactly Explosive but anyways…

– Cameron and The Bella Twins w/ Natalya and Eva Marie def Alicia Fox, Tamina Snuka and Aksana after Cameron pins Tamina. Post Match AJ Lee comes out and cuts a promo dissing the Total Divas once again. But first she says Tamina let them win because she doesn’t want to be in the same ring as them for more than a few seconds, and she doesn’t blame her. She Disses Cameron for having a poor attitude, brings up her relationship with Vinnie and how they are both embarrassments to the company and says that she will only face her at EC because she wants to steal the spotlight from Naomi. AJ says she would’ve actually enjoyed defending the title against Naomi because she feels Naomi is the only diva worth compliments out of the Total Divas and out of the Division. She then disses the Bella Twins for the same momentum move-set of dropkicks and clotheslines, and says they are only getting TV time due to having relationships with top stars. She then disses Eva saying her match from Smackdown was nixed because she found out how much of a terrible wrestler she was, and that JoJo deserves the main roster spot more than her. AJ says JoJo did what was right by leaving the Total Divas to train at NXT, because she wants to become the best she can be and come out on top because shes dedicated, and she hopes that when JoJo is back, that she makes the right decision and she kicks Eva’s Butt to developmental or even out of the company. AJ says Eva isn’t there to wrestle, shes there for money and fame and magazine covers, as is her fiance. AJ says Any Diva could take her spot, even Stacy Keibler. AJ says personality wise, she saw something in her after she turned heel, and that she could’ve “made the big time” if she aligned with her and Tamina but she “chose the sad sops” instead. AJ then disses Natalya calling her Boring as Sin and a Diva without a personality, and says that shes using her family background to get her push, and that’s why shes got all those recent wins over Tamina, because Tamina was forced to submit by executives backstage to put Natalya over and increase her popularity, and that its going to get rammed down their throats even more now she has a T Shirt. AJ says she replayed the New Total Divas Promo and watched Nattie’s Superstars Matches with Summer Rae, and says she feels sorry for Summer because shes having to join the TD’s, because she feels Summer is losing her spot because of Natalya, and getting a forced punishment for slapping Nattie in the face, saying Summer deserved to slap Natalya. She says Summer doesn’t need the show, shes good as she is. AJ says she is still saving the Division and that Divas Like Rosa, Aksana, Alicia Fox and Summer Rae are all losing their spotlights because of a “petty reality show” and after EC, she will glorify a new divas division, and the Rally of the Total Divas will be over. Cameron takes the mic and as the Bella’s scream abuse, Cameron says this Sunday she knows Naomi will be watching proud, and that AJs reign of terror will be over. Cameron points to the crowd and says shes doing this for them too, and she wont let them down, and she doesn’t care if Tamina is there on Sunday, because she will win the title, and her first defense will be against Naomi when shes fully recovered.

Backstage, Summer is shown watching a replay of AJ’s 2nd PipeBomb, and Byron Saxton approaches her, asking for her thoughts. Summer says shes dedicated to wrestling, and shes not on the roster to just be a dancer. Summer says she can understand where AJ is coming from, but shes let her hatred for Natalya go, and she doesn’t want to get involved, she has Emma on her mind right now. Aksana walks in and tells Summer she needs to do whats best for her and leave the Total Divas, because AJ is right about the heels being left out, and that if Summer is even in the same ring as them and on their side, she will get humiliated like they just did. Summer asks her to repeat that in English, and Aksana gives her a funny look. Summer does the hand wave and walks off.

On Main Event An AJ Promo Airs on the Tron of AJ Mocking Cameron. AJ sports a Blonde Wig and a Girl Bye T Shirt with a Cross over it.

Then on Smackdown Cameron defeats AJ Lee w/ Tamina Snuka in a singles match after Eva comes down and pulls AJ to the outside, absolutely ripping her apart. After the match, Eva announces she will be in Cameron’s corner at EC, and shes doing that for Naomi.

PLEASE Note These are Not My Own Opinions of the Total Divas whatsoever as i like them all, this is just what I’d like to see on the show on the shows coming up heading into EC, even though im aware AJ brought up there wouldn’t be a second pipebomb.

– Catherine

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