WWE SMACKDOWN RESULTS: Six Women Vye for Rousey Battle While B Fabs Set Battle Brings About a More Darker Familiar Face (November 11th 2022)

Welcome to the latest WWE Smackdown report. Last nights episode saw a match with championship contendership implications, as a six pack challenge was booked featuring six faces from the blue brands womens division to decide who steps up next to Reigning Champion Ronda Rousey. Plus, after weeks of teases, a familiar face returns to wreak havoc on someones own in ring debut.

The first presence womens wise on the night comes from Zelina Vega, as she, Cruz Del Toro and Joaquin Wilde accompany the leader of Legado Del Fantasma, Santos Escobar, to his singles showdown against Shinsuke Nakamura in what is a WWE World Cup First Round Match, the winner of that tournament earning a future opportunity at the WWE Intercontinental Championship held by Gunther currently.

Towards the end of the match, Nakamura does initially fend off interference from Del Toro at ringside, and also stops an attacking Santos Escobar with a knee. However, Santos fires back with an enziguiri then lifts Nakamura onto both shoulders while on the middle rope and connects with the Phantom Driver, which seals it for Santos as he pins Nakamura. Santos wins the match.

Following is the Womens Six Pack Challenge, which sees six of Smackdowns women vye for a future womens championship opportunity against Ronda Rousey. Out first to a new version of her theme is Liv Morgan, Raquel Rodriguez and Shotzi also getting an entrance after her while the rest of the women set to compete, that being Xia Li, Sonya Deville and Lacey Evans, already await in the ring. Shotzi and Raquel enter separately despite recently being a team and competing for the Womens Tag Team Championships. Jessicka Carr is set as the referee for the match.

Sonya, due to recent history with Liv, pounces at her first post bell, Xia also squaring up to Raquel while Shotzi advances to Lacey, only to step into a boot. Lacey hammers Shotzi with more boots in a corner, all while Raquel takes the fight with Xia to the outside, running her into the apron side. Back in the ring, Shotzi escapes the corner and tries to go after Lacey, but a drop toe hold from Lacey causes Shotzi to stumble back into the same corner. Xia, meanwhile, escapes a slam attempt and shoves Raquel into the ring post, all while Lacey, still in the ring, levels Shotzi with the womans right. She readies a pin attempt to Shotzi, but Sonya races in and intervenes, kneeing Lacey down to the mat, crashing it at two.

Sonya tries to cover Lacey after her own strike but in runs Liv Morgan, who pulls Sonya off. Liv takes Sonya to the far corner and bashes her head repeatedly against the top turnbuckle before tossing her through the ropes to ringside. Liv follows Sonya out after a little taunting and steps right into a shot from Sonya. Sonya intends to run Liv into the steel steps to follow up but Liv reverses and Sonya collides with those steps instead. On another side of ringside, Raquel aims a running splash to Xia against the ring post but Xia sprints out of harms way and Raquel meets the ring post once again. Having dismantled Raquel for a bit, Xia steps over to Liv, but meets Liv’s fury, kicked towards the barricade. Liv then repositions the steel steps to the side of the commentary table and sidesteps away from a boot by Sonya, but Sonya capitalises on Liv’s strategy and a drop toe hold drops Liv against the same steps. Back in the ring, Xia has shook off Liv’s attack and repeatedly stomps on Shotzi, then heading up to the top rope, but Raquel has also recovered, entering the ring to ambush Xia mid ascent. Raquel seems to set up a suplex, but Lacey joins in too. Shotzi stops Laceys involvement with a senton, Lacey then crashing to the floor and Shotzi keeping out of the way as Raquel delivers with her vertical suplex off the ropes to Xia. Sonya slithers in right after the move to try pin Xia, but Xia kicks out at two. Sonya tries to cover Shotzi after but Shotzi follows suit in kicking out at two. Sonya takes down Raquel with a knee and covers her too, but she also kicks out at two. Sonya unleashes her rage as she drives Raquel repeatedly to the mat face first heading into a commercial break.

When we return, Xia hits a clubbing blow back in the ring to Shotzi’s upper back. Xia plants Shotzi with a kick and covers, but Lacey crashes it before theres even a count. Lacey is met with a flurry of fists and kicks from Xia, Xia also kicking her in the corner to culminate that round of offense. Xia steps up in the corner and drives down a blow to Lacey’s head, following with a suplex and a new pin attempt that Lacey fights out of at two. Before Xia can do anything more, Liv returns with a missile dropkick off the top rope, then back splashing Lacey and Xia consecutively against opposite corners. Liv finalises with a jumping knee to Xia then ducks a clothesline by Lacey, floating off the middle rope to follow and planting Lacey with ObLIVion. However, she doesnt cover, catching Raquel resurfacing and ducking her offense before driving her down with a DDT. Again, Liv doesnt get to pin, but this time due to Sonya chucking her to the outside. Thinking Liv is out, Sonya covers Raquel, but Liv makes it back in to crash her pin attempt over Raquel at two.

Sonya roundhouses Liv before being sent to the mat by a resurfaced Shotzi’s neckbreaker. Shotzi’s momentum ends quick courtesy of a clothesline by Lacey, though Xia sends her down with a kick. Raquel intercepts Xia with a knee then hauls her up and connects with the Tejano Bomb, looking for the three count only for a cunning Sonya Deville to pull Raquel under the bottom rope. Sonya avoids offense from Raquel and tries to pin Xia herself, but Raquel drags her out as well and boots her down to the below floor. Raquel brings a table into the equation, also dragging the steel steps nearer to the table. Raquel positions on the steps, hauling up Sonya for a potential powerbomb through the table, but along comes Liv to clothesline Raquel, though she doesnt go through the table as the trio narrowly miss it. Back in the ring, Shotzi hits a fist to Lacey and gets a kick back from her. Shotzi retaliates with a discus forearm then ducks Lacey amid a countered whip, blocks her attack and counters with a fresh DDT. Shotzi proceeds in covering Lacey and pins her. Shotzi wins the match, becoming the number one contender to the Smackdown Womens Championship.

Speaking of Shotzi, not too long later the elated new contender encounters Emma backstage, who gives Shotzi her congratulations. Shotzi thanks Emma in return, and the Aussie compliments that she thinks Shotzi can take Ronda. Shotzi also believes Emma took Ronda to her limit in her return. Emma seems to want to talk about that more, but she also wonders if Shotzi has seen Madcap. Shotzi hasnt but she wonders why Emma would look for him. She comes to a conclusion that Emma is crushing on him, but Emma is in total denial and playfully shoves her away.

As Emma departs the scene, in comes Shayna Baszler. Shayna guesses congratulations are in order but she better enjoy her time in the spotlight, of feeling like a contender. Shayna elaborates that Shotzi has just won an opportunity to get the beating of her lifetime, vowing that Ronda will cause Shotzi more pain and anguish than she has ever thought. Shotzi has actually won herself a broken arm, or an invite to having her ankle snapped and it even gives Shayna chills thinking about that. Shotzi asks Shayna if shes done talking, and Shayna says nothing audible as Shotzi warns that her best friend has not been in the ring with someone like her. She belongs here, and she will prove it by enduring whatever Ronda gives her. Heck, she might just surprise Ronda, Shayna and the entire world. Shayna recognises that Shotzi sure has a lot to say about Ronda, and Shotzi knows shes right on that. Shayna responds that she should turn around to say it to her in person, and on cue the Smackdown Womens Champion awaits behind her new challenger. Shotzi doesnt even get to utter a word as Shayna chokes Shotzi out while Ronda mocks her and laughs at her. Shayna eventually releases Shotzi from her clutches then she and Ronda leave the scene, Shotzi out on the floor.

Later, another match is scheduled, as B Fab seems to be having her in ring debut against Zelina Vega. A chill Zelina perches on the top rope as B Fab makes her way to the ring alongside Ashante Thee Adonis and Top Dolla, but the bell isnt even rung when another presence aims to bring her hoped debut to a halt. Sarah Logan appears on the stage, and as eyes are turned to the returning superstar, raiding the ring are the Viking Raiders. After ambushing Legado Del Fantasma from the outside, they go on to target Ashante and Top Dolla. Sarah headbutts B Fab from the outside and Zelina Vega, wanting nothing to do with the unfolding situation, scarpers through the audience. The Raiders continue the attack to Top Dolla and Ashante and Sarah then yanks B Fab into the ring. B Fab tries to get in an early shot but ends up headbutted by Sarah. With B Fab down along with the other members of Hit Row, a refreshed and darker Sarah Logan stands tall alongside Erik and Ivar.

(Shinsuke Nakamura vs Santos Escobar w/ Cruz Del Toro, Joaquin Wilde and Zelina Vega; WWE World Cup Tournament First Round Match)

(Zelina Vega and Santos Escobar on Smackdown Fallout)

(Xia Li vs Sonya Deville vs Shotzi vs Lacey Evans vs Liv Morgan vs Raquel Rodriguez; Number One Contenders Six Pack Challenge Match)

(Lacey Evans on Smackdown Fallout)

(Emma, Shotzi, Shayna Baszler and Ronda Rousey Backstage Segment)

(B Fab w/ Ashante Thee Adonis and Top Dolla vs Zelina Vega w/ Cruz Del Toro and Joaquin Wilde; Sarah Logan, Erik and Ivar Return)

Thoughts On:
Six Pack Challenge: This was a good match, though im gutted the outside spot with Sonya, Raquel and Liv fell through. It seemed like Livs clothesline was meant to put Raquel through a table but they were a bit off, and hopefully no one got injured in the process. Heading into this, i thought Emma was going to attack Xia and take her out of the match, leading to Charlotte’s return, but im glad to see WWE take a chance on a fresher talent by having Shotzi win. Cole also still referenced her work with Raquel so i have a feeling she will have Shotzi’s back against Shayna and Ronda. Otherwise, it’ll be Emma. It wouldnt be wise to separate Shotzi and Raquel right now, especially as teams in the tag division is needed.

B Fab vs Zelina: Im glad this match didnt get underway to be honest. Sure B Fab isnt the most skilled in the ring, but back when Hit Row and Legado feuded in NXT, they went out of their way to make it a bigger deal, whereas here it was an unannounced match and the issues and the trash talk between the sides hasnt got the reaction it would’ve in NXT. WWE made B Fab getting involved for the sake of her boys and getting in the ring a bigger deal back in NXT when she feuded with Elektra, and it’d be right to hold her and Zelina off for when it does feel like a bigger deal and has some better hype behind it. This week was the perfect week to bring back Sarah and the Viking Raiders, not just because of the wording of the last promo, but oddly because it coincides with the release of God of War. Im surprised they didnt go after the New Day to be honest, but having more valets on Smackdown to support their men is fine with me. Sarah looks badass and legit scary, and ive seen the comparisons to Max the Impaler. I dont think she is trying to rip Max off, and that they might just have similar inspirations. Either way, ive been waiting years to finally see Sarah with the Viking Raiders and now we’ve got it. As much as i dont expect the Viking Raiders to beat the Bloodline because of how protected they are and how the group itself are so important to WWE, im still excited to see what comes and if they come head to head with the Bloodline and do lose, i hope they dont lose steam from it.

– Catherine

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