WWE SMACKDOWN SPOILERS: (September, 13th 2013)

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The Following are Diva Related Spoilers for This weeks Taped Episode of WWE Smackdown, which will be the Final Smackdown before This Sundays Night of Champions Pay Per View.

– Alicia Fox, Layla and Aksana vs. Naomi, Natalya and Brie Bella is up next. Natalya gets a nice pop but AJ Lee comes out to a better pop. AJ is on commentary. AJ does a run-in as Natalya goes for the Sharpshooter. Somehow it’s a DQ win for Layla, Aksana and Fox. All of the Divas fight after the match.

– They bring the Divas back out to re-shoot (uh oh) the brawl from earlier. It’s Naomi, Natalya and Brie Bella beating down AJ Lee.

– Summer Rae and Fandango have a Dance Off with R Truth, with Miz and Khali also making it in the segment.

– Catherine

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