WWE MAIN EVENT RESULTS: AJ Defies The Odds And Is The Last Diva Standing! (March, 11th 2014)

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Hi Folks, its Catherine again, Duty Calls in the World of Women’s Wrestling and when you have a bearable match up full of hot intensity and chemistry, you have to be sharp eyed and watch every moment in detail, which was definitely the case when AJ Lee put her title on the line (AGAIN) against Natalya in a Nerve Wracking Fight to the Finish that saw the Queen of the Dungeon Flawed. Plus we found out Emma doesn’t like Peppers. Match First? YES! Duh!

So Following a Tag Match that in all honesty didnt grab my attention, we go to the Divas Championship Match and my nerves are all over the place. Unfortunately WWE forgot the rule of Champion entering second, as AJ is the first to head to the ring, and of course the Champ’s arrival isnt complete without the accompaniment of Tamina Snuka. There is a Recap from the Previous Ep of Smackdown where AJ was pinned by Nattie in a Divas Tag Match. AJ cuts a small promo where she claims she is bored, and says she will beat Natalya again. Up Next to make her entrance is a Confident Natalya who is looking to grasp the Championship in what is now her 4th Overall Shot against AJ.

The Two are introduced as Contender and Champion and the battle starts there. Natalya attempts a headlock and takes her to the mat. AJ tries a reverse counter but Natalya leaps out. Natalya charges at AJ, catches her and takes her back to the mat again. AJ sends Natalya to the ropes, and only into a clothesline by Nattie. Natalya hits the ropes and tries to get her into a roll-up, but AJ kicks out. AJ clings to the ropes and Natalya tries to pull her away but doesn’t.

Natalya on the attack in the corner, and she takes her to the mat once more. AJ knees at Natalya repeatedly with Snuka looking on. AJ goes to work on Natalya’s arm but Natalya looks to cartwheel out of the situation. Natalya takes AJ down, and goes to work on her leg against the mat. AJ tries desperately to get to the ropes and does, forcing Natalya to lose her grip.

AJ takes a slight break out on the apron, but that doesn’t slow Natalya down. Natalya looks to go at her but is held back as AJ remains on the outside. AJ Slowly returns to the ring and it feels like the match has restarted as they attempt a lock up. Natalya with a side headlock into a cradle for a near fall. Natalya displays some power with a suplex. She applies a stretch submission on AJ. AJ fights back out with elbows and has Natalya knocked to the mat this time. AJ is on Natalya’s shoulders but heads right to the ropes to break off. AJ throws a punch but Natalya comes back and rams AJ off the apron and she hits the ground. Natalya and AJ are both re-cooperating as we go to the break.

When we come back AJ is somehow back and Natalya is laid out as AJ goes for a cover. She gets a near fall on Natalya. AJ with a hold as we see what caused AJ to take control as the commercial break was happening. Natalya has AJ on her shoulders and powers her to the corner, but AJ kicks her to the mat. AJ goes for the pin and once more, gets a near fall.

Natalya scoops AJ, setting up a Slam but AJ with a deadly counter into a sleeper. It Takes Natalya a while to try escape, and as it looks like she could, AJ falls on her and into a cover. Another Near Fall. AJ Furiously knocks down Natalya. AJ Taunts as she skips around the ring. Natalya catches AJ and goes for a miraculous cover, but gets a near fall. AJ with a massive clothesline and another near fall. AJ with a headlock but Natalya battles out and scoops AJ, but AJ slides down her back. AJ gets a near fall and Natalya comes at her with a dropkick, and both women are down.

Natalya crawls to the corner to regroup, and AJ limps towards her. Natalya keeps her away with kicks and punches. AJ kicks Natalya in the midsection. AJ with more kicks. She Chokes Natalya against the turnbuckles with her boot. Natalya’s had enough and batters down AJ as Tamina looks on with fury. AJ kicks Natalya and Natalya soon has AJ in her clutches, only for AJ to catch her in the sleeper once more. Natalya almost battles out then AJ locks it again. Natalya flips AJ off her shoulders.

AJ Charges at Natalya and Misses. Natalya with a suplex, and follows with another. Natalya flips her over and dropkicks her in the back. Natalya with a slam and she gets the near fall again as AJ stays in the game for just a while longer. Natalya scoops AJ and AJ shockingly reverses into her black widow submission. Natalya somehow escapes the black widow submission and AJ falls off her back. AJ is in a really difficult position and soon Natalya locks the Sharpshooter, or tries to, as AJ reverses into a cover for a near fall. AJ tries to kick Natalya but Nattie catches her foot and this time shes got her Sharpshooter successfully locked.

As you see some of the crowd up in arms up front, AJ struggles to fight back. A Sad Tamina screams at AJ as AJ tries to reach the ropes but AJ is pulled back to the middle. AJ looks really close to submitting to Nattie, but does not, as she powers to the ropes, and Tamina makes the desperate move of making the ropes become closer to AJ, allowing AJ to grab them within the nick of time. AJ moves away from the ropes as Natalya tries to attack and Natalya ends up having a showdown with Tamina. Tamina distracts Natalya long enough for AJ to securely hit the Shining Wizard, and she goes right into the Black Widow. Natalya taps and AJ retains the Championship.

Emma and Santino also had a Dinner Date Segment. Santino said he wanted to get some pepper but not only did he take the table cloth attached to him with him, but he tumbled, and Emma Reacted over never getting some pepper again. Right…..

(AJ Lee w/ Tamina Snuka vs Natalya Divas Championship)

Thoughts On:
AJ vs Natalya: So we were trolled by reports that AJ was going to “drop” the title but AJ proves otherwise again just like she did at TLC. AJ is NOT going to lose her wrestlemania spot AT ALL. This Match proves the two have the best chemistry in the ring, and they had the best match of the show by far, which shows the Divas can do a lot if given the best time they can. I Was Worried AJ Would Lose this, but the right person won, and from Monday onwards, i’d expect a Return by Naomi to fuel the Wrestlemania match. As for Tamina, is she just helping AJ to win because she wants to be the one to take the title from her, note the released backstage photo, i can hope but i dont see AJ being Champion when Mania is Over.

Emma/Santino Segment: Done once again to get Emma over but of course when Santino is there, its comedic central. This segment should’ve had them have their date at the table, and for Summer to walk in as a waitress and “accidentally” spill a drink on Emma to start a brawl, but i dont know if Summer was there for the Show, so who knows? She was at the Smackdown tapings though. Could’ve been done!

– Catherine

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