WWE TLC RESULTS: The Bellas Initiate A Beautiful And Disastrous Sneak Attack (December, 14th 2014)

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Hello Everyone and Finally i get to talk everything TLC now im rid of these pointless Internet Malfunctions i came across earlier today. Okay, so not everything TLC, i was over exaggerating, since the Ladies were again snubbed a Stipulated match up for the Very Pay Per View that sees Risky Spots involving Tables, Ladders, Chairs and Now Stairs. However as Promised, Nikki Bella would put her Divas Title on the Line against AJ Lee.

Before the match, we finally hear after many weeks, an explanation backstage from Brie on why shes now at her Sisters side despite the cruel things she has done to her following up from Summerslam. With that out of the way, we go to the arena where the Slammy Award Winning Diva AJ Lee is making her entrance as she prepares to fight for a 4th Divas Championship. She is followed by the traditional entrance of the Champion Nikki Bella, joined by Brie Bella, which could bring on potential chaos.

The Two try going for a lock up on the bell but Nikki is quick to shove AJ out of her way to take a rest on the outside despite not even having taken a shot yet. She Shows off with some push ups on the floor before taking herself in the ring. Nikki’s workout is over and now the focus is back to the match, and an attempted clothesline from Nikki to AJ is averted. Nikki ends up on the end of AJs hurricanrana and she hits the outside once more, only this time shes got Lee following her.

Brie rushes to Nikki’s aid quite quickly, but AJ sees that coming and fends her off before turning her attention back to the Other Heel, Nikki. AJ hits with a forearm then chucks Nikki back in the ring. AJs in control as she takes Nikki into the corner. AJ has her upcoming whip countered, but AJs feet help her fend off Nikki, who charges towards her. AJ comes charging now, and ends up taking the brunt of a wicked spinebuster, courtesy of Nikki. Nikki goes into the cover on the former champion, but only gets a near fall so far, and the match continues.

Nikki connects with the knee to the back of AJ Lee as Brie paces on the outside. Nikki is going for another cover now, but AJ remains in this match. Nikki hits a Suplex then launches AJ into the corner. For the next assault, she stomps at AJ, and uses her feet to pressure AJ close enough to the ring post. Nikki heads outside with AJ in the painful position, and stretches her against the ring post. Nikki heads back to the ring to cover AJ once again, but AJ has survived the pain and kicks out once again.

Nikki continues to control, placing AJ in the follow up submission, her knee up against AJs back. AJ tries to muster up some strength to release herself from the Grip of Nikki, but gets chucked hard onto the mat upon her attempt. Nikki Slams AJ for another near fall. Nikki now has AJ in a stretch submission, and AJ fends her off with elbows, before a reversal leads to AJ locking in a sleeper hold as she tries wearing the champion down. However, Nikki, with AJ clung on, rampages into the corner, loosening AJ. She then brings some shoulder tackles to AJ in the corner.

Nikki charges, but AJ is quick and moves away, perching herself up top. AJ gets a roll up on Nikki, but Nikki kicks out this time. Nikki misses the clothesline and a clothesline from the ring center by AJ leaves both women down on the mat. Both make time to recover, and when Nikki gets up, she is met with a Lou Thesz Press from AJ who has gone completely mad, throwing punches at Nikki every second. Nikki crawls to the corner but AJ doesn’t let up with a running clothesline to Nikki. AJ hits a neckbreaker to Nikki and crawls into the pin attempt, but Nikki kicks out as the title continues to hang in the balance.

Nikki reverses the follow up whip by AJ but once again AJ manages to prevent a charge from Nikki. AJ hits a DDT and is again covering Nikki, who still remains in the match. AJ springs back into the action and charges toward the champion, who counters with a forearm smash. Nikki leaps up top and hits the spin kick as the offense continues to bring AJ down. Nikki covers again, and its another near fall on AJ. Nikki drags AJ somewhat close to the ropes and applies a standing chokehold, but AJ hits a counter. AJ now gets a pin attempt, but the Champion isn’t giving in and she kicks out once again.

AJ hits the Shining Wizard, which may have finished off Nikki, but as AJ dives into what looks like the winning pin, Brie makes an interference by placing her sisters foot on the rope, which cancels out her pin. The Referee has saw, and angrily ejects Brie from ringside. AJ yells at Brie over her interference and when she turns to face the Champ, Nikki pulls out some kind of spray can, spraying in the face of the defenseless diva. Nikki hits with the forearm smash, followed by placing AJ onto her shoulders to hit the Rack Attack Finisher, and scores the pin that secures her victory. Nikki retains the Divas Championship.

Also, in other Diva Related news, Naomi was seen backstage viewing the Tag Title Match between Champions Miz and Damien Sandow and the Usos. Despite happily cheering for the Usos, they wouldn’t gain the title victory, as Mizdow saw themselves intentionally disqualified from the bout to retain the Tag Team Gold.

(Nikki Bella w/ Brie Bella vs AJ Lee; Divas Championship Match)

Thoughts on this match:
Theres no denying that this was Justified in terms of ring time to make up for the very short bout that came from Survivor Series which saw Brie plant a Kiss on AJ to help Nikki win the title. It was lengthy, there were some particularly good spots, and theres no denying the progression both divas have made in the ring over the year. The Finish was surprising, sort of like a Beautiful People Mimic. However, i expected so much more in terms of the booking of this feud, which would’ve worked amazingly had they brought in the real life heat rumors. It seemed to have all fallen apart following Nikki’s Counteract Promo and the tension between the two enemies just doesn’t seem to be there, and the Pre Smackdown TLC Match didn’t do any justice, but the match did, in a way, make up for it in terms of in ring ability and longevity. But it seems so hard to ask WWE to put even a tincy wincy bit of effort in for Divas storylines these days, despite them creating a load of storylines for the Males. Theres no doubt Nikki and AJ, and much of the divas division can wrestle, and maybe their matches do make up for the lack of story telling, but the story, should be there. I’m Sure Nikki and AJ could’ve easily done heated promos against each other every week, but as i said, it just collapsed the week after Nikki’s watered down promo was made to air. Give the Girls a story, and not just a match and the commentary team being unlaughable throughout the matches because the Divas are a Priority. Just Saying.

– Catherine

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