WWE MAIN EVENT RESULTS: Resilient Champion Seeks Rematch with James (November 4th 2022)

Welcome to the latest WWE Main Event report. This weeks episode sees last week revisited, as Newcomer to the main roster audience Kiana James gets to visit again, getting a rematch against the WWE 24/7 Champion Dana Brooke.

Out first for the one womens match of the episode is Kiana, competing for the second time on a main roster stage. As Kiana struts her way down, a separate split screen promo plays, in which Kiana admits that Dana got results last week, but she doesnt have brains. Tonight will be a further example as to why the WWE Universe should invest in Kiana James. With those words concluded, as well as Kiana’s entrance, out comes Dana, coming off being victorious last week, and theres even a recap of the match from last week as she makes her way to the ring. That clip even comes with an unaired attack by Kiana, disrespecting Dana with a swift forearm following the result of the match.

Dana is even amped, pacing about the ring just as the bell rings. Once the bell rings, Dana welcomes the chance for Kiana to cheapshot her, and Kiana even attempts it, but Dana has her scouted and blocks. Dana forearms the side of Kiana’s face and keeps up the shots after taking her down onto the mat. Kiana gets free and scrambles to the corner but Dana is not done with her, and returns to her with some more forearms as well as kicks into the midsection. Dana returns to the corner again, but this time Kiana holds her off with a back elbow. Kiana then steps away from the corner to try and swing at Dana, but misses and is brought to the mat by a waistlock takedown. Kiana tries to back elbow Dana again, but Dana dodges that shot and gives her a hard shove, reminiscent of last week. Dana is about to do more but Kiana is immediately bolting to the other side of the ring, situating herself between the ropes. Kiana looks for an extensive timeout but is dragged back to the ring by her foot courtesy of Dana. Dana sweeps her to the mat, Kiana landing jaw first only to be scooped back up and slammed to the mat. Dana performs a handspring splash right after and covers Kiana, the first pin attempt of the match ending with her getting a near fall.

Kiana is whipped to a far corner by Dana, who connects with her handspring back elbow after then a couple of forearms to add to the corner arsenal. Dana handsprings back to the corner, this time to perform a handstand foot choke to Kiana, then, once back on her feet, she sends down Kiana with a clothesline. Kiana tries scrambling to the ropes but an annoyed Dana drags her away, moving her to the center of the ring where she tries a new pin attempt, another which ends with Dana getting a near fall.

Kiana escapes a slam set up, claws Dana by her hair and sweeps her backwards to the mat, making a sudden comeback. Kiana gets in some cruel stomps on Dana then sweeps her upper body back to the mat before her own pin attempt ensues, which Dana also kicks out of at two. Dana tries to axe handle out of a follow up headlock but Kiana lodges her knee into her midsection and whips her to follow. Dana reverses the whip along the way and flapjacks the oncoming Kiana back onto the mat. Kiana, however, rolls desperately to the outside before a possible pin attempt from the opponent, ignoring demands to return to the ring. Kiana seizes her bag and attempts to leave then rakes the eyes of Dana from the outside, going unnoticed. Kiana hits the ring as quick, covering Dana and even going on to pin her. Kiana wins the match.

(Kiana James vs Dana Brooke)

Thoughts On This Match:
A more aggressive version of last weeks match, with even more emphasis on Kiana’s character work, while Dana played the veteran who refused to be disrespected. Kiana also worked the crowd really well and again seemed comfortable in front of a larger audience. The two have a nice little feud going that could bring Dana to NXT, either that or Main Event gives them one last match so Dana can culminate this thing going on between them.

– Catherine

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